Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Liberian President arrives in Tanzania

President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, the President of the  United Republic of Tanzania, invites his counterpart, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf of the Republic of Liberia, upon her arrival at the Julius Nyerere International Airport in Dar es Salaam.  President Sirleaf is in Tanzania for three days' official tour of the country.

President Kikwete and President Sirleaf of Republic of Liberia, listening to the National Anthem before his counterpart President of Liberia inspects the guard of honor.

 Hon. Sophia Simba (MP) (2nd left), Minister for Community Development, Gender and Children, Hon. Mahadhi Juma Maalim (M) (2nd right), Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Mr. Meck Sadick (3rd right), the Dar es Salaam Regional Commissioner, Ambassador Liberata Mulamula, President's Senior Advisor - Diplomatic Affairs and Mr. Mwandemwa, Acting Chief Protocol for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, listening to the National Anthem upon the arrival of the President of the Republic of Liberia. 

President Sirleaf of the Republic of Liberia inspects the guard of honor at the Julius Nyerere International Airport in Dar es Salaam. 

President Sirleaf and President Kikwete watching an impromptu to a traditional dances and songs by performed by Tanzania National dance troupe.

 Hon. Sophia Simba (MP) (2nd right), Minister for Community Development, Gender and Children, Hon. Mahadhi Juma Maalim (M) (1st right), Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Mr. Meck Sadick (2nd left), the Dar es Salaam Regional Commissioner, watching traditional dance performed by Tanzania National dance troupe.

Monday, July 16, 2012


Rais wa Liberia, Mhe. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, anatarajiwa kuwasili nchini tarehe 17 Julai, 2012 kwa ziara ya kikazi ya siku tatu. Ziara hiyo ya Mhe. Sirleaf inafuatia mwaliko wa Mhe. Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania.

Mhe. Sirleaf ambaye atawasili siku hiyo saa 8.00 mchana katika Uwanja wa Ndege wa Kimataifa wa Julius Nyerere, atapokelewa na mwenyeji wake, Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania, Mhe. Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete.

Akiwa hapa nchini, Mhe. Sirleaf anatarajiwa kukutana kwa mazungumzo rasmi na Mhe. Rais Kikwete tarehe 17 Julai 2012, ikifuatiwa na Dhifa ya Kitaifa iliyoandaliwa kwa heshima yake na Mhe. Rais Kikwete, Ikulu, Dar es Salaam.

Aidha, Mhe. Sirleaf pia anatarajiwa kuzindua Ofisi za Mradi wa Viongozi wa Afrika wa Kudhibiti Malaria (ALMA) tarehe 18 Julai, 2012 na siku hiyo hiyo Mhe. Sirleaf atatoa Mhadhara katika Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam kuhusu “The Role of Women in African Development”.

Vile vile,  tarehe 19 Julai, 2012 Mhe. Sirleaf atatembelea Kiwanda cha Kutengeneza Vyandarua cha A to Z kilichopo Arusha kabla ya kuondoka siku hiyo hiyo kurejea nchini kwake.

16 JULAI, 2012

Updates on Mama Zuma Victory as Chair of the AU Commission

South Africa's Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma won a tight fought vote to become the new head of the African Union Commission, the first woman to hold the post, African leaders said.
She beat the incumbent, Jean Ping of Gabon, in a closely fought election over several rounds of voting.

"Now we have the African Union chair Madame Zuma, who will preside over the destiny of this institution," Benin's president and current AU chairman Thomas Boni Yayi said.
Dlamini-Zuma, 63, an experienced diplomat, is a veteran of the fight against apartheid. A doctor by training, she has served as health, interior and foreign minister in South Africa.

Her former husband, South African President Jacob Zuma, was one of the first to offer his congratulations after the vote at the AU summit in the Ethiopian capital."It means a lot for Africa... for the continent, unity and the empowerment of women -- very important," Zuma said.

Dlamini-Zuma's win follows her challenge six months ago to unseat Ping, the former commission chairman, which ended in deadlock after neither won the required two-thirds of the vote, leaving Ping in the post.

"She's a freedom fighter, not a bureaucrat or a diplomat," said Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni, beaming enthusiastically.Noureddine Mezni, spokesperson for the outgoing chairman told AFP that Ping had acknowledged defeat.

He "has accepted the results of the elections and wishes Madame Dlamini-Zuma the very best."He expressed his readiness to cooperate with her to work together for the unity of the continent."

Erastus Mwencha of Kenya was re-elected as deputy chair of the AU Commission, he added.
Members of the South African delegation smiled and congratulated one another as they filed out of the conference hall.

"It's good for southern Africa. We (in southern Africa) never had this job," a delegate from Zimbabwe told AFP with a broad grin.

Officials said the elections went to four rounds of voting before Dlamini-Zuma won 37 votes, three more than the required majority, to confirm her win over Ping.

Jakkie Cilliers of the South Africa-based Institute for Security Studies told AFP how Dlamini-Zuma's score had crept up from one round of voting to the next.

"She got ahead in the first round and after that the momentum kicked in," said Cilliers. "The heads of state wanted a decision."

Dlamini-Zuma's win had brought "clarity as to who's in charge" at the AU, after six months of deadlock over the leadership issue, he added.

Some analysts say South African has violated an unwritten tradition that continental powerhouses do not run candidates for the post, but leave smaller nations to take the job -- and that this had sparked bad feeling.

Before the vote however, Dlamini-Zuma played down concerns that the vote could divide the AU."I don't think the continent will be polarised," she said.
The winner would "make sure they work with everybody, irrespective of where and who they voted for," she added.

Cilliers said he was optimistic that divisions created by the vote would heal.
"She'll be an inclusive chair, she won't be divisive ... She was a very competent foreign minister and even better at home affairs (the interior ministry)," he said.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Nkosazana-Dlamini Zuma new AU Commission Chairperson

South Africa's Nkosazana-Dlamini Zuma became the first woman to lead the African Union Commission since its establishment in 1963 after unseating Incumbent Dr Jean Ping in the elections held this evening at the Headquarter of the African Union in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Mama Zuma, South Africa's Home Affairs Minister and Former Foreign Affairs Minister won 37 votes against 14.

In the the Vice-Chairperson election, the Kenyan, Erustus Mwencha retained the same position after getting 50 votes against one vote. He stood unopposed.
Wakuu wa Nchi na Serikali wa Umoja wa Afrika wakiwa kwenye picha ya pamoja baada ya ufunguzi  wa Mkutano wa 19 wa Umoja huo leo mjini Addis Ababa Ethiopia.
The Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Hon. Bernard Membe (MP) greets President Yoweri Kaguta Mseveni of Uganda during the proceedings of the 19th African Union Summit in Addis Ababa Ethiopia today.

Inside Africa: Fighting escalates in DRC

CNN Journalist Robyn Kriel explains that the conflict in D.R. Congo is threatening to spill into Rwanda and Uganda.

More UN Peacekeepers deployed to region.

Click here to watch video:  http://edition.cnn.com/video/?hpt=hp_t3#/video/world/2012/07/14/fighting-in-congo.cnn

Inside Africa: Sudanese Leaders in first talks since April clashes

The Presidents of Sudan and South Sudan have met for the first time since a border dispute brought their countries close to conflict in April.

Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir (Centre L) shakes hands with his South Sudanese counterpart Salva Kiir (R) following a meeting in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa on 14 July 2012
South Sudan's President Salva Kiir (R) met his counterpart, President Omar al-Bashir of Sudan at an African Union Summit

Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir sat down with his counterpart, South Sudan's President Salva Kiir on the sidelines of an African Union summit in the Ethiopian capital.

South Sudan became independent from the north a year ago, and numerous issues remain unresolved between the two countries.

A United Nations deadline for them to settle the dispute is set for 2 August.

Among other issues, their border has not been finalised and there are disagreements over oilfields, transport payments and divisions of the national debt.

Deadline looming
No information has been released about what the two men spoke about during their meeting in Addis Ababa, but they shook hands publicly for the first time at the end of it.

The last official talks between Presidents Kiir and Bashir were at the previous AU summit in January.
At this summit, AU delegates urged the governments in Khartoum and Juba to settle their differences on oil and border demarcation before the UN's deadline.

The UN introduced its three-month deadline after cross-border clashes centred on the oil-rich region of Heglig brought Sudan and South Sudan close to all-out war in April.

South Sudan's independence from Sudan in July 2011 was supposed to herald the end of more than 50 years of bitter conflict between the two, but tensions have lingered.

Saturday's meeting between the two leaders is unlikely to yield any immediate results, but it at least shows the two countries are feeling the pressure to resolve their dispute.

Inside Africa: Mali Poses Regional Threat, AU Says

Opening of 21st Ordinary Session of the Executive Council, 12 July 2012, at African Union Headquarters, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

ADDIS ABABA – The African Union (AU) Peace and Security Council says the strengthening grip of Islamist militants in northern Mali poses a serious threat to regional stability.

African leaders meeting in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, affirmed their support for a military intervention in Mali if necessary Saturday.

The leaders met ahead of an AU summit to discuss ongoing security concerns in the region.  Topping the agenda was Mali.

AU Commissioner for Peace and Security, Ambassador Ramtane Lamamra, reading from a communique issued after the meeting, said the situation in the country poses a “serious threat to regional and international peace.”

“Council expressed its deep concern at the seriousness of the situation in northern Mali marked by the strengthening of the grip of armed terrorist and criminal groups in the area," Lamamra said. "Council also noted with concerns on reports of the presence of a number of non-Malian armed groups.”

Islamist militants have seized control of towns in northern Mali, in the wake of a political rebellion launched by Tuareg separatists earlier this year.

The Peace and Security Council reaffirmed its support for the efforts of the West African regional bloc ECOWAS to re-establish stability in the country.  That includes authorizing ECOWAS to organize a military intervention.

The chairman of the council, Ivory Coast President Alassane Ouattara, told reporters the regional bloc is working on a plan right now.

He said there is a team in the Malian capital, Bamako, working with the Malian army to identify the country's needs.  Ouattara called it a “work in progress” and said in the coming days, they should be able to send the African Union details of the plan, which they can use to appeal to the United Nations Security Council.

ECOWAS is awaiting a formal request by the Malian government and official backing from the United Nations Security Council to carry out the military option.

In prepared remarks for the AU Peace and Security Council meeting, U.N. Deputy Secretary General Jan Eliasson said military action “should only be considered if all avenues for dialogue have been exhausted.”

The council also reviewed progress on negotiations between Sudan and South Sudan on the disputes left unresolved following their separation last year.

The communique, as read by commissioner Lamamra, says the council welcomes the withdraw of forces from the disputed Abyei region, and a “new spirit of strategic partnership” adopted by both sides.

Negotiators from the two countries resumed talks Thursday on security and border issues, but have so far failed to reach agreement.

Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir and South Sudanese President Salva Kiir were both in attendance at Saturday's meeting.

Source:  http://www.voanews.com/content/mali-poses-regional-threat-au-security-council-says/1404880.html

Inside Africa: Clinton meets with Egypt's new President

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton meets with Egyptian President Mohamed Morsy in Cairo on Saturday.
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton meets with Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi in Cairo on Saturday.

Cairo (CNN) -- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Saturday urged Egypt's first democratically elected leader to "assert the full authority of the presidency."

After her meeting with President Mohamed Mursi -- the first such visit by a U.S. Cabinet official --- Clinton stressed that it was up to Egypt's people to shape the country's political future. But she also noted that the United States would work "to support the military's return to a purely national security role."  "The United States supports the full transition to civilian rule, with all that it entails," she said.

Clinton's visit came as Egypt is in the throes of domestic political chaos, with Mursi in a tug of war with the military leadership in Cairo. The Islamist president doesn't have his own Cabinet in place, and there is no parliament.

"This is a time marked by historic firsts, but also great uncertainty. Egyptians are in the midst of complex negotiations about almost every facet of the transition," Clinton said.

As photographers snapped pictures of their meeting, Mursi told Clinton, "We are very, very keen to meet you and happy that you are here."

The tone of the meeting was cordial and constructive, with much back and forth, according to a senior State Department official who described the talks on condition of anonymity.

Clinton laid out U.S. ideas for supporting Egypt's fragile economy and the two discussed regional security issues, the official said.

Clinton commended Mursi's public commitment to national unity and pluralism. Clinton made it clear the United States will stand up for universal human rights, the official said.

For his part, Morsy underscored the expectations of Egyptians for a complete democratic transition and stressed his commitment to dialogue with all stakeholders, according to the official.

Earlier this week, Clinton sent a message to Egypt's leaders to talk to one another and settle their differences for the good of the people, saying both the president and the military needed to work together to avoid derailing Egypt's democratic transition.

Clinton met Saturday with Egyptian Foreign Minister Kamel Amr and told reporters President Barack Obama wants to relieve up to $1 billion in Egyptian debt and help foster innovation, growth and job creation.

The United States is ready to make available $250 million in loan guarantees to Egyptian businesses, Clinton said.

Inside Africa: Clinton, Egypt's Military Council Chief discuss Transition of Power

Field Marshal Mohamed Tantawi greets U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton before a meeting in Cairo.
Field Marshal Mohamed Tantawi greets U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton before a meeting in Cairo.

Cairo (CNN) -- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met Sunday with the head of Egypt's military leadership, a day after she urged the country's first democratically elected leader to "assert the full authority of the presidency."

Clinton's meeting with Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi, held out of the view of reporters, came as Egypt is in the throes of political chaos, with President Mohamed Mursi in a tug of war with the military leadership in Cairo.

Egypt's military leaders took control of the government after a popular uprising toppled Hosni Mubarak in February 2011, promising to hand over control after elections.

Clinton and Tantawi, who met for just over an hour, discussed the political transition and the military ruling council's ongoing dialogue with Mursi, said a senior State Department official, who described details of the meeting on condition of anonymity.

The official said the two also discussed an economic package that was detailed a day earlier by Clinton, who said U.S. President Barack Obama wants to relieve up to $1 billion in Egyptian debt and help foster innovation, growth and job creation.

She also said the United States is ready to make available $250 million in loan guarantees to Egyptian businesses.

Clinton also stressed during the meeting with Tantawi the importance of protecting the right of all Egyptians, including women and minorities, the official said. There were no immediate details from the official about Tantawi's reaction.

During a meeting Saturday with Mursi, Clinton stressed that it was up to Egypt's people to shape the country's political future. But she also said the United States would work "to support the military's return to a purely national security role."

"The United States supports the full transition to civilian rule, with all that it entails," she said.

"This is a time marked by historic firsts, but also great uncertainty. Egyptians are in the midst of complex negotiations about almost every facet of the transition."

Clinton laid out U.S. ideas for supporting Egypt's fragile economy and discussed regional security issues with Morsy, according to the same senior State Department official who described the talks with Tantawi.

Earlier this week, Clinton urged Egypt's leaders to talk to one another and settle their differences for the good of the people, saying both the president and the military needed to work together to avoid derailing Egypt's democratic transition.

Clinton's talks with Tantawi were likely to be along the same lines. Tantawi, a 76-year-old career infantry officer, fought in Egypt's 1956, 1967 and 1973 wars with Israel.

Egypt's military is the foundation of the modern state, having overthrown the country's monarchy in 1952.

The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces currently wields legislative power, having ordered the dissolution of parliament after the country's highest court ruled that it had been elected under laws which were not valid.

Mursi tried to call it back into session after he was sworn in, but the court reaffirmed its decision, so the military council retain lawmaking powers until a new parliament is sworn in near the end of the year.

In the Presidential election, Mursi edged out Ahmed Shafik -- the last prime minister to serve Mubarak -- winning nearly 52% of the votes cast.

He resigned from the Muslim Brotherhood and its Freedom and Justice Party shortly after the results were announced, in an apparent effort to send a message that he will represent all Egyptians.

Clinton aides said the secretary of state wanted to visit Cairo early after Mursi's swearing-in to show that the Obama administration wants to help the new government improve Egypt's economy.


Inside Africa: African Union Summit to tackle Chairmanship Stalemate

The African Union is holding a summit in Addis Ababa expected to focus on another bid to resolve a deadlock over its secretariat.

Current AU commission chairman Jean Ping of Gabon (l) and his opponent in elections to the post, Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma of South Africa (r) (combined file photo). 
Mr. Ping (left) and Ms. Dlamini-Zuma (right)

Ms. Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma of South Africa and the incumbent, Mr. Jean Ping of Gabon, are to contest the election for the post of Chairman of the AU Commission.

In January, neither got the required two-thirds majority, leaving Mr Ping in office for another six months.

The dispute has overshadowed other issues, especially security and trade.
It has broadly split the organisation along linguistic lines, with English-speaking countries tending to support Ms Dlamini Zuma and French-speaking countries lining up behind Mr Ping.

If the election fails again, Mr Ping could be asked to stay until the next summit next January.

Ms Dlamini Zuma is the former wife of South African President Jacob Zuma and one of her country's longest-serving government ministers.

Analysts say many feel her candidacy has broken an unwritten tradition that the chairmanship should not be occupied by one of Africa's major nations.

Earlier this week, Mr Ping denied a South African media report speculating he was going to withdraw from the race.

His use of the AU's website and letterhead for his statement prompted the Southern African regional bloc SADC to accuse him of misusing AU resources for his re-election bid.
As in January, the official theme of the summit is boosting intra-African trade.

It is also due to focus on the continuing instability in Mali, mounting violence in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo and tension between Sudan and South Sudan.

To read Mr. Ping's statement click here (http://www.starafrica.com/en/news/detail-news/view/press-statement-by-dr-jean-ping-chairp-242115.html)

Article source:  http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-18846210

AIDS Watch Africa Heads of State Communique

“Renewed Action to Halt and Reverse the Burden of HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria by 2015”
WE, the Heads of State and Government of the Action Committee of AIDS Watch Africa (AWA) held a Breakfast Meeting in at Sheraton Addis Hotel, Addis Ababa on 14 July 2012. Our Meeting was hosted and chaired by the AU Chairperson, H.E Dr. Boni Yayi, President of the Republic of Benin in his capacity as the Chairperson of AWA. It was a Side Event of the 19th Session of the AU Assembly.

AIDS Watch Africa (AWA) was created by eight Head of State and Government at the 2001 Special Summit on HIV/AIDS, TB and Other Related infectious Diseases. The objectives of AWA include leadership and ownership of Africa’s response to AIDS, TB and Malaria, advocacy for mobilization of action resources, accountability. In 2006 through the leadership of AWA Head of States and Government, the “Abuja Call for Accelerated Action towards Universal Access to HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria Services in Africa by 2015” was adopted.

After a decade of existence, AWA was re-launched in January 2012 by the 18th Session of the AU Assembly as an advocacy, resource mobilization and accountability platform for the response to AIDS, TB and Malaria. This high level platform is spearheaded by the Action Committee comprising Heads of State and Government and the Chairperson of the AU Commission. The other AWA structures include the Consultative Experts Committee and the Secretariat. Regional and international partners participate in the programme and activities of AWA as observers.
At the Breakfast Meeting, the Heads of State and Government of AWA Action Committee highlighted its leadership role in mobilization of resources and action as well as  accountability. They also examined the strategies and action plans on the Future Direction of AWA from 2012 to 2015; as well as a Roadmap on Shared Responsibility and Global Solidarity Africa’s Response to HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria from 2012 to 2015.
At the end of our deliberations and in line with the AWA slogan: “Renewed Action to Halt and Reverse the Burden of HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria by 2015”, we recommitted ourselves to intensifying personal and collective efforts towards the realization of the objectives of AWA in 2012-2015 and agreed on the way forward on Africa’s response to the three diseases between now and 2015. We adopted and committed ourselves to the following:
1.    The Future Direction of AIDS Watch Africa (AWA) 2012-2015 and the Shared Responsibility and Global Solidarity for Africa’s Response to HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria: Roadmap 2012-2015;
2.    The outcome of our Action Committee Meeting as summarized in “Draft Declaration  on the Report of AWA Action Committee of Heads of State and Government Meeting” will be presented to the 19th  Session of the AU Assembly for endorsement and subsequent dissemination to stakeholders and partners for follow up action;
3.    Intensifying and facilitating advocacy, and further developing partnerships at all levels. In this regard, we call upon the partners to build on their commendable support for Africa to win the struggle against AIDS, TB and Malaria;
4.    We request the AU Commission, in collaboration with other AU Organs, RECs, UN Agencies as well as other regional and international organizations and partnerships, to coordinate the dissemination of the outcome of our meetings, follow up on its implementation and report to our annual meeting.
H.E Dr. Boni Yayi,
President of Benin, AU and AWA Chairperson

Saturday, July 14, 2012

AU Summit opens tomorrow in Addis Ababa

The 19th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union (AU) will officially open tomorrow, Sunday 15 July 2012 in the plenary hall of the New AU Conference Center in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, under the theme: “Boosting Intra-African Trade”.

For two days (15 and 16 July 2012) the Heads of State and Government from the 54 Member States of the Union will consider the recommendations of the Executive Council on the report of the Commission on the implementation of previous Decisions of the Executive Council and the Assembly.

They will also consider the report of the Peace and Security Council on its activities and the state of peace and security in Africa, especially in Mali, Sudan/South Sudan and activities of the Panel of the Wise.

The two day meeting would also consider a report on  NEPAD by Mr. Meles Zenawi, Ethiopian Prime Minister and Chairperson of the NEPAD Heads of State and Government Orientation Committee (HSGOC).

The Heads of States would also condideer a report on Africa’s preparation for the Climate Change Negotiations at the 18th Conference of Parties of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) (COP18), by Mr Meles Zenawi, who is also the Coordinator of the Committee of African Heads of State and Government on Climate Change (CAHOSCC).

The Presidents and Heads of Delegations will also exchange views on the report on Sustainable Development (Rio +20) by Mr. Denis Sassou Nguesso, President of the Republic of Congo and Africa’s Coordinator on the United Nations Conference. They will discuss the report on the UN Reforms by Mr. Ernest Bai Koroma, President of the Republic of Sierra Leone and Chairperson of the Committee of Ten on the UN Reforms.

The Assembly will further consider the report of the High Level Committee of Heads of State and Government/ Chairs of the Regional Economic Communities (RECs) on Boosting Intra-African Trade, among others.

One of the high moments during the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the AU will be the election of the Chairperson and the Deputy Chairperson of the African Union Commission (AUC) as well as the appointment of the eight Commissioners of the AU and the three Judges of the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights (AFCHPR).

Meanwhile, the 19th Ordinary Session of the AU Summit was preceded by the 24th Ordinary Session of the Permanent Representatives Committee (PRC) that took place from 9 – 11 July 2012 and the 21st Ordinary Session of the Executive Council held from 12 to 14 July 2012 at the headquarters of the AU in Addis Ababa.

Ujumbe wa Tanzania kwenye Mkutano wa Umoja wa Afrika

Mhe. Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, Rais wa jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania akisikiliza kikao cha Amani na Usalama cha umoja wa Afrika leo katika Makao Makuu ya Umoja huo Addis Ababa Ethiopia. Mhe Rais Kikwete anaongoza ujumbe wa Tanzania katika umoja huu.

Balozi wa Tanzania kwenye Umoja wa Afrika, Balozi Joram Mkama Biswaro akisalimiana na Waziri wa Mambo ya Nje wa Malawi, Mhe Mganda Chiume (MB.) walipokutano katika Mkutano unaoendelea wa wakuu wa Nchi na Serikali wa Umoja wa Afrika hapa Addis Ababa Ethiopia.Wa kwanza kulia ni katibu Mkuu wa Wizara ya Mambo ya Nje wa Malawi.

Jengo Jipya la Umoja wa Afrika ambapo Mkutano wa Wakuu wa nchi na Serikali wa Umoja huo wanahudhuria.

President Kikwete arrives in Addis Ababa for the AU Summit

H.E. Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, the President of the united Republc of Tanzani arrived today in Addis Ababa Ethiopia to attend the 19th Ordinary Session of the African Union Heads of State and Government Summit.

This Morning, the President is expecting to attend the Peace and Security Council (PSC) meeting at the level of Heads of State and Government at the Plenary Hall of the AU Conference Center (Old Building).Tanzania is a member of the AU's Peace and Security Council.

The meeting will consider the following items:

- Report of the Chairperson of the Commission on the situation in Mali
- Report of the Chairperson of the Commission on the follow-up to the PSC Communiqué of 24 April 2012 on the situation between Sudan and South Sudan

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Farewell Luncheon to High Commissioner of Mozambique

Hon. Bernard K. Membe (MP), Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation bids farewell to H.E. Ambassador Amour Zacarias Kupela, High Commissioner of Mozambique to the United Republic of Tanzania, during the Luncheon hosted by the Minister at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Dar es Salaam. 

Mr. John M. Haule (seated left), the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and Ms. Zuhura Bundala (2nd left), Acting Director of the Department of Africa at the Ministry listening to Hon. Membe's remarks during the farewell luncheon for H.E. Ambassador Amour Zacarias Kupela, High Commissioner of Mozambique to Tanzania.

H.E. Ambassador Amour Zacarias Kupela, High Commissioner of Mozambique to Tanzania, gives his remarks during the farewell luncheon hosted by Hon. Bernard K. Membe (MP), Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

Distinguished guests during the Farewell Luncheon, that included H.E. Ambassador Juma Mpango (right), Dean for the Diplomatic Corps and Ambassador of Democratic Republic of Congo to Tanzania.

Hon. Membe presenting a special gift of Mount Kilimanjaro paint to Ambassador Kupela. 

Ambassador Dora Msechu, Director of Europe and America in conversation with High Commissioner of Burundi to Tanzania (left), Ambassador Juma Mpango (2nd left) and Mr. Shilla, Acting Director of the Department of Multilateral Cooperation.

Ambassador Simba Yahya, Director of Department of Middle East in light conversation with H.E. Hossam Moharam, Ambassador of Egypt to Tanzania. 

Ambassador Mpango in light conversation with Ambassador Semu Somi.

Hon. Membe bids farewell to Ambassador Kupela.

Mr. Haule in candid conversation with Ambassador Mpango.

Ambassador Bertha Semu Somi says her goodbyes to Ambassador Kupela.

Ms. Bundala in light conversation with Ambassador Mpango.

A group photo of the outgoing Mozambique Ambassador Kupela (front-center), Ambassador Semu Somi (right), Ms. Bundala (left).  Others on the photo are Ambassador Simba (back-left), Ms. Fatma Rajab (center)  and Mr. Assah Mwambene (back-right).

Mhe. Dkt. Asha-Rose Migiro arejea nchini

Baadhi ya Mabalozi, Wahadhiri na Wanafunzi wa Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam pamoja na wafanyakazi wa Wizara ya Mambo ya Nje na Ushirikiano wa Kimataifa wakiwa wamejipanga kumpokea Dr. Asha Rose Migiro.

Mhe. Dkt. Asha-Rose Migiro aliyekuwa Naibu Katibu Mkuu wa Umoja wa Mataifa akiteremka katika gari lililofika kumpokea mara baada ya kuwasili katika Uwanja wa Ndege wa Kimataifa wa Julius Nyerere, Dar es Salaam jana akitokea New York, Marekani baada ya kumaliza muda wake wa kazi katika Umoja huo.

Mhe. Dkt. Migiro akisalimiana na baadhi ya Wakururugenzi wa Wizara ya Mambo ya Nje na Ushirikiano wa Kimataifa walipofika kumpokea uwanjani hapo jana.

Mhe. Dkt. Migiro akizungumza na Waandishi wa Habari (hawapo pichani)  mara baada ya kuwasili nchini. Kulia kwake ni Mhe. Membe na kushoto ni Dkt. Alberic Kacou, Mratibu Mkazi wa Mashirika ya Umoja wa Mataifa hapa nchini.

Dr. Asha Rose Migiro (katikati) akiteta jambo Waziri Membe sambamba na Viongozi mbalimbali wa Mashirika ya Umoja wa Mataifa nchini wakiongozwa na Mratibu Mkazi wa Umoja wa Mataifa nchini Dr. Alberi Kacou (kushoto) waliofika kumlaki katika Uwanja wa Ndege wa Mwl. J.K Nyerere.

Mahojiano kati ya bloggers wa DC na Mhe. Bernard Membe Part II

Monday, July 9, 2012

Rais Kikwete akabidhi Tuzo ya Heshima ya Juu ya Burundi

Rais Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania leo amemkabidhi Mama Maria Nyerere Tuzo ya Juu ya Heshima ya Taifa la Burundi aliyotunukiwa Baba wa Taifa, hayati Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere.  Tuzo hiyo ilitunukiwa wakati wa maadhimisho ya Miaka 50 ya Uhuru wa Burundi yaliyofanyika mjini Bujumbura wiki iliyopita.   Mwalimu Nyerere alitunukiwa tuzo hiyo kwa mchango wake wakati wa harakati kupigania uhuru wa Burundi ambapo alikuwa mshauri wa karibu wa Waziri Mkuu wa Kwanza wa nchi hiyo ya Prince Louis Rwagasore.   (Picha na Freddy Maro)

Sunday, July 8, 2012

...Final activities at Sabasaba

Mr. Mboyi, Minister Plenipotentiary and Acting Director for the Department of Policy and Planning at the Ministry, having a one-on-one discussion with one of the visitors, explaining about budget process, economic diplomacy and responsibilities for our embassies abroard.  

Mr. Joseph Mwasota from the Department of Policy and Planning at the Ministry, explaining to a visitor about how economic diplomacy works.  

Ms. Tagie Daisy Mwakawago, Communication Officer at the Ministry answers various questions from one of the studious visitors at the Ministry's Exhibition.

Mr. Hassan Abbas, Senior Communication Officer for the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM-Tanzania), providing the Ministry's brochure to one of the visitors during the Ministry's Exhibition Show at Sabasaba's 36th Dar es Salaam International Trade Fair.

Ms. Baraba of the Ministry explaining employment qualifications for the Ministry.

Ms. Baraba of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2nd right) and Mr. Abbas of APRM, answering various questions from visitors that include foreign scholarships, employment opportunities at the Ministry and how peer review mechanism works.

Ms. Praxida of APRM explaining the four thematic areas of peer review mechanism.  

Mr. Rodney Thadeus, Protocol and Public Relations Officer of the Arusha International Conference Centre (AICC) explaining various services provided by AICC to various visitors who visited the Ministry's exhibition.  Our exhibition was visited by all age groups, from young kids, students, working professionals, homemakers and senior citizens.

Ms. Baraba answering few questions from visitors about the process of joining the Centre for Foreign Relations (CFR), and how to become employed at the Ministry.  The CFR is currently accepting application for Diploma and Postgraduate degree, with deadline set for July 28, 2012.

Ms. Tagie Daisy Mwakawago, Communication Officer at the Ministry, answering various questions to some visitors who visited the Ministry's exhibition.

A group photo before saying goodbyes after the Official Closing Ceremony hosted by Hon. Dr. Abdallah Kigoda (MP), Minister for Industry and Trade.  From left is Mr. Rodney Thadeus of AICC, Ms. Tagie Daisy Mwakawago (2nd left), Mr. Hassan Abbas of APRM-Tanzania (3rd left), Mr. Andes Richard (2nd right), and Mr. Itikija Mbarouk of APRM.

Last minute brochure handouts before closing.  From 1st left Mr. Abbas of APRM-Tanzania and Mr. Andes Richard of AICC (orange shirt).

Another group photo

Laughters and goodbyes before closing.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, in collaboration with its institutions - the Centre for Foreign Relations (CFR), the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM-Tanzania) and the Arusha International Conference Centre (AICC), today finished its exhibition show held from June 28 through July 8, 2012 at Mwalimu Julius K. Nyerere (Sabasaba) Fair Ground, Kilwa Road in Dar es Salaam.

Our Ministry was visited by people of all ages that include students, teachers, business owners, homemakers, entrepreneurs and many more.   This exhibition, like others, was yet another opportunity for the Ministry to reach out to the general public and get firsthand opinions on how well informed the public is about its policies; and what opinions, recommendations or questions the general public have about the Ministry. 

Indeed, it was an opportunity to spread public diplomacy; enhancing the Ministry’s image, visibility and objectives by reaching out to people of all ages and nationalities.   For the Arusha International Conference Centre (AICC), for instance, it was an opportunity to promote business tourism services with goals to enhance national, social and economic development for the country.  On the other hand, the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM-Tanzania) educated the public about how the peer review mechanism works in monitoring the progress of governance and good practices in four thematic areas of democracy/political governance, economic governance, corporate governance and socio-economic governance.  Lastly, for the Centre of Foreign Relations, the goal was not only to educate the public about what CFR does, but also to encourage prospective students to apply before the deadline of July 28, 2012 for those interested in taking Diploma or Postgraduate degree.

The Sabasaba exhibition marked the 36th Dar es Salaam International Trade Fair (36th DITF) where exhibitors uses it as a focal point to showcase their goods, services and ideas to the enthusiastic visitors generated locally and around the world.  The Fair acts as one-stop centre for reaching countries such as Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Zambia, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Kenya and Democratic Republic of Congo, and other countries around the world. 
In addition, this year’s DITF concurrently ran with the 1st Brands of China African Showcase (Chinese Commodities Trade Fair) in the same venue, making it the first event of its kind in Africa.  In essence, exhibitions also serve as an exposure to learn from other countries, creating business relations and partnership connection.