Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Rais Dkt Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete akipokea hati ya utambulisho toka kwa Balozi mteule wa Ufaransa nchini Tanzania Mh Marcel Escure leo Ikulu jijini Dar es salaam.

Rais Dkt Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete akiongea na Balozi mteule wa Ufaransa Mh Marcel Escure baada ya kupokea hati zake za utambulisho leo Ikulu jijini Dar es salaamBaada ya Kupokea hati ya utambulisho

Rais Dkt Jakaya Kikwete akimtambulisha balozi mteule wa Uswisi nchini Tanzania Mh Oliver Chave kwa Naibu Katibu Mkuu wa Wizara ya mambo ya nje na ushirikiano wa Kimataifa Balozi Rajabu Gamaha ambaye anafuatiwa na Kaimu Mkurugenzi wa Idara ya Ulaya na Marekani Bi. Grace Shangali na Mkurugenzi Msaidizi katika idara hiyo.

Rais Dkt Jakaya Kikwete akiongea na balozi mteule wa Uswisi nchini Tanzania Mh Oliver Chave baada ya kupokea hati ya utambulisho. Picha na Ikulu.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Rais wa Zanzibar na Mwenyekiti wa Baraza la Mapinduzi,Dkt. Ali Mohamed Shein,akizungumza na mwenyeji wake Sheikh Saud Bin Saqr Al Qasimi Kiongozi wa Ras Al Khaimah,wakati alipowasili katika kasri ya kiongozi huyo Mjini Ras Al Kahimah, jana akiwa katika ziara ya kukuza uhusiano wa mashirikiano na kukuza maendeleo ya sekta mbali mbali za maendeleleo kama Afya, Elimu, Biashara nyenginezo za maendeleo.
Rais wa Zanzibar na Mwenyekiti wa Baraza la Mapinduzi, Dkt. Ali Mohamed Shein akiagana na Daktari Bingwa wa upasuaji  Dr J.M.Gauer, kutoka nchini Switzerland, katika hospitali ya  Ras Al Khaimah, alipotembelea akiwa katika ziara ya kukuza uhusiano na ushirikiano wa  sekta mbali mbali za maendeleo, ikiwemo Afya, Elimu, Biashara na nyinginezo.

Rais wa Zanzibar na Mwenyekiti wa Baraza la Mapinduzi,Dkt. Ali Mohamed Shein akikaribishwa  na  Naibu Mtendaji Mkuu wa kampuni ya ujenzi ya Rak Ceramics, Abdalla Massaad,wakati alipotembelea  kuona vifaa mbali mbali  vya ujenzi huko Ras Al Khaimah,akiwa katika ziara ya kukuza uhusiano na mashirikiano katika sekta za maendeleo.

Rais wa Zanzibar na Mwenyekiti wa Baraza la Mapinduzi, Dkt. Ali Mohamed Shein akipata maelezo kutoka kwa Naibu Mtendaji Mkuu wa kampuni ya ujenzi ya Rak Ceramics, Abdalla Massaad,wakati alipotembelea  kuona vifaa mbali mbali  vya ujenzi huko Ras Al Khaimah,akiwa katikam ziara ya kukuza uhusiano na mashirikiano katika sekta za maendeleo.

Rais wa Zanzibar na Mwenyekiti wa Baraza la Mapinduzi, Dkt. Ali Mohamed Shein,pamoja na ujumbe wake wakiwa katika picha ya pamoja na uongozi wa Hospitali ya Ras Al Khaimah,walipoitembelea hospitali hiyo wakiwa katika ziara ya kukuza uhusianao na ushirikiano katika sekta za maendeleo.
Picha na Ikulu, Zanzibar.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Waziri Membe ahudhuria Tamasha la Vyuo Vikuu (Campus Night) FOCUS 11.11.11

Waziri Membe akisalimiana na Johannes na Maria Amritzer raia wa Marekani na wahisani wa tamasha la Usiku wa Vyuo Vikuu mara alipowasili viwanja vya Leaders Mjini Dar es salaam usiku wa Ijumaa tarehe 11.11.11

Waziri Membe akizindua kitabu cha FOCUS na Muandaaji wa Kongamano la Usiku wa Vyuo Vikuu Mchungaji Dkt. Huruma Nkone kwenye viwanja vya Leaders, Dar es salaam. 

Viongozi wa Victory Christian Centre waandaaji wa Tamasha la Usiku wa Vyuo Vikuu wakiimba wimbo wa Taifa na Waziri Membe wakati wa Ufunguzi wa Usiku huo.

Mass Choir ikitumbuiza kwenye jukwaa kuu

Umati wa Wanafunzi kutoka Vyuo mbalimbali wakishangilia wakati wa Tamasha la Usiku wa Vyuo Vikuu lililoandaliwa na Victory Christian Centre lililofanyika kwenye viwanja vya Leaders jijini Dar es Salaam.

Waziri Membe akisoma risala kwenye tamasha la Usiku wa Vyuo Vikuu kwenye Viwanja vya Leaders Jijini Dar es Salaam, tarehe 11.11.11

Waratibu wa tamasha hilo Harris Kapiga na Joseph Msami wakiwa kwenye picha na Waziri Membe mara baada ya kusoma hutuba yake. Kongamano hilo lilihudhuriwa na wanafunzi takriban elfu moja kutoka Vyuo Vikuu mbalimbali nchini Tanzania.

Kikundi cha waimbaji wa Injili kutoka Sweeden kutoka kwenye shirika la SOS linalotoa huduma za injili duniani nao walikuwepo kutoa burudani kwenye tamasha hilo lililoshirikisha Vyuo mbalimbali nchini Tanzania.


Hon. Bernard Membe, Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperations greets the crowd in Pertuguese before commencing his speech in celebration of Angolan National Day at the Kilimanjaro Kempinski Hotel in Dar es salaam.

Hon. Bernard Membe receiving a speech from Professor Ambrosio Lukoki Ambassador of the Republic of Angola in Tanzania.

Minister Membe cutting the cake in celebrating Angola's day, on his right is Ambassador Ambrosio Lukoki and his spouse, Ambassador Juma Mpango the Dean of Diplomatic Corps and Angolan Embassy staff.

Minister Membe talking to the media after his speech 

Minister Membe in conversation with Amb, Brg. Hashim Mbita who played a signifant role during liberation struggle in Angola and Africa in general. Brg. Mbita was also the Chairperson of OAU Liberation Committee.

Hon. Bernard Membe with Ambassador Yahya Albakri of Oman and Ambassador Alphonso Lenhart of United States were also in attendance during the Angolan Day celebratios in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Today is Angola's National Day

Angolan National Flag

Angola's First President, The Late António Agostinho Neto
(Sept. 17, 1922 – Sept. 10, 1979)

Hon. Bernard Membe (MP), Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation will this  evening be the chief guest in the Angola National Day to be held at Kilimanjaro Kempinski Hotel,  commemorating  its independence from Portugal in 1975.

Angola is situated in Africa’s south central part, bordered by Congo to the north, by Namibia to the south, by Zambia to the east, and by the Atlantic Ocean to the west. Luanda is the country’s capital and largest city.

Angola is endowed with rich natural resources such as diamonds, oil, gold, and copper. Diamonds and oil make up around 60 percent of Angola’s economy.

The population of Angola, which is around 18.5 million, is multi-ethnic. It is composed of Ovimbundu (37 percent), Ambundu (25 percent), Bakongo (13 percent), and the rest are other ethnic groups.

The official language of the country is Portuguese, owing largely to Portugal’s presence in the country for nearly 400 years.

Thursday, November 10, 2011



Makamu wa Pili wa Rais wa Zanzibar Balozi Seif Ali Iddi ameihakikishia Japan kwamba misaada inayotowa kwa Tanzania na Zanzibar kwa jumla itaendelea kutekelezwa kama ilivyopangwa.

Balozi Seif ametoa kauli hiyo hapo Ofisini kwake Vuga wakati wa Mazungumzo yake na Balozi Mpya wa Japan Nchini Tanzania Bwana Masaki Okada.

Alisema Misaada ya Nchi hiyo ukiwemo ule mkubwa wa Maji Safi ndani ya Mkoa wa Mjini Magharibi utawawezesha Wananachi na hata Wawekezaji kutumia huduma hiyo kwa ufanisi.

Balozi Seif alimueleza Balozi Masaki kwamba Japan bado ina nafasi kubwa ya kusaidia Maendeleo ya Kilimo, Maji na hata Mafunzo katika Fani tofauti.

Hatua hii itaziwezesha pande hizo mbili kuendeleza kushirikiana katika ile dhana na uhusiano wa muda mrefu uliopo kati ya Zanzibar na Japan.

“ Japan imepiga hatua kubwa ya Kitaalamu katika sekta za Kilimo na Taaluma ya Teknolojia ya Kisasa. Hivyo Taaluma hiyo inaweza kusaidia Nchi nyingi hasa za Bara l;a Afrika ambazo zinategemea zaidi Kilimo ”. Alisisitiza Balozi Seif.

Akizungumzia Uwekezaji Makamu wa Pili wa Rais wa Zanzibar Balozi Seif Ali Iddi alisema Zanziba inahitaji Wawekezaji Kutoka Nchini Japan katika kuimarisha uchumi wake.

Alisema ni vyema kwa Makampuni na Taasisi za Uwekezaji Nchini Japan zikaangalia uwezekano wa kufungua Miradi yao Zanzibar hasa katika Sekta ya Utalii ambayo hivi sasa ina wawekezaji wengi zaidi kutoka Nchi za Bara la Ulaya.

Kuhusu suala la Usafiri wa Baharini Balozi Seif aliiomba Japan kuangalia uwezekano wa kusaidia mpango wa SMZ wa Upatikanaji wa Meli kwa ajili usafirishaji Wananchi kati ya Visiwa vya Unguja na Pemba.

Balozi Seif alisema Zanzibar inahitaji Meli mpya kwa ajili ya kutoa huduma za uhakika zitakazoondoa hofu za wananchi ambao kwa sasa wanategemea usafiri wa Boti.

“ Zanzibar inahitaji kuwa na Meli Mpya hivi sasa kwa vile zile zilizonunuwa katika miaka ya 70 zimeshapitwa na wakati ingawa moja ya M.V Mapinduzi tayari imeshauzwa kutokana na uchakavu wake ”. Alifafanua Balozi Seif.

Naye Balozi wa Japan Nchini Tanzania Bwana Masaki Okada alielezea matumaini yake kwamba Makampuni mengi na hata Taaasisi za Huduma Nchini mwake zimeonyesha nia ya kuwekeza Hapa Zanzibar kwa vile Tanzania ni Miongoni mwa Nchi zilizopewa kipaumbele na Japan katika kushajiisha miradi ya Maendeleo.

Balozi Masaki alisema Japani inaiangalia Zanzibar kama mahala pazuri kwa uwekezaji na ni kituo muhimu zaidi kwa Biashara katika Ukanda wa Afrika Mashariki.

Bwana Masaki alimuhakikishia Makamu wa Pili wa Rais wa Zanzibar Balozi Seif kwamba ombi la Zanzibar la upatikanaji wa Usafiri wa Baharini ataliwasilisha kwa Waziri wa Fedha wa Nchi hiyo kwa ajili ya ufumbuzi unaostahiki .

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

New Ambassadors present copies of their creditials

The New French Ambassador to Tanzania, H.E. Marcel Escure presents copies of the Credentials to the Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Hon. Bernard K. Membe (MP) at the Ministry's Headquarter.

The newly appointed French Ambassador to Tanzania, H.E. Marcel Escure, has applauded Tanzania for the initiative to participate in the 'Operation Democracy' in Comoro that rescued the Anjouan Island from separation to the Union of Comoros. 

Speaking to the Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Hon. Bernard K. Membe (MP), shortly after presenting copies of credentials, the French Ambassador said Tanzania's role in the then Comoro and Madagascar political crisis was timely and helped normalize the political turmoil in the two countries.

Ambassador Escure also hailed Tanzania and France bilateral ties that existed from time in memorial, saying his major role would now be to cement further cooperation to a greater height.

On his part, Hon. Membe thanked the French Ambassador for the French intervention in the 'Operation Democracy' in Comoro, saying that France was one of the key partners in a success story of restoring the Anjouan Island from breaking off from the Union of the Comoros.

Ambassador Escure was born on October 6, 1963 and holds Bachelor of Arts degree.  He started his diplomatic career in 1988 as a second and first secretary at the French Embassy in Lima, before raising to the ranks of the deputy chief of protocol and later head of the Francophone Division in the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Affairs.

The New Swiss Ambasador to Tanzania, H.E. Olivier Chave, presents copies of the Credentials to the Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Hon. Bernard K. Membe (MP) at the Ministry's Headquarter.
Hon. Membe also received copies of Credintials from the Newly appointed Swiss Ambassador to Tanzania, H.E. Olivier Chave.
For his part, H.E. Chave said his country will continue to foster the bilateral relations that exist with Tanzania for many years.
 Ambassador Chave was born in 1957 and hold a Master's Degree in political science from the University of Lausanne.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Prince Charles Longing to see Mount Kilimanjar​o

The President of Zanzibar His Excellency Dr. Ali Mohamed Shein welcoming His Royal Highness at State House in Zanzibar with a traditional coconut drink today in Zanzibar

Gifts presentations

The Visiting Royal Highness, Prince Charles has said he was longing to see Mount Kilimanjaro saying the Mountain was the most iconic images of Tanzania.

Speaking at a State Banquent prepared in his honour by Tanzanian President, Mr Jakaya Kikwete, the Royal Highness said he was hoping that the weather and the sky will be open enough for him and his entourage to see the Mountain.

"During this visit my wife and I will visit not just Dar es salaam, but also Zanzibar and north of your country too, where I can only hope that the wheather will allow us to see Mount Kilimanjaro, the most iconic images of Tanzania" he said.

The Royal Highness, who is in a four-day official tour of Tanzania said, however, that Mount Kilimanjaro and Zanzibar that he was hoping to see were only a fraction of the treasures to be discovered in Tanzania.

He paid tribute to Mwalimu Julius Nyerere, the founding father of Tanzania for his remarkable legacy and dedication to preserve what he called priceless National Parks, Game Reserves and conservation areas, which he said can contribute to the World's precious biodiversity and to the country's economy.

On the bilateral ties between the two countries, the Royal Highness, said "our relationship may be historic one, but it is very modern one too.

He said  Britain has over the years, been the largest donor to Tanzania and that the British current budget will increase further over the coming four years.

On the celebration of the 50th Independence anniversary of Tanganyika, the Royal Highness had an opportunity to reflect on how far we have come.

"I think we would all agree that the fiftieth anniversary is very special" the Royal Highness noted.

The Royal couple entourage is set to visit Arusha today after a whole day tour of Zanzibar yesterday. While in Zanzibar the Royal Highnesses paid a courtesy call on the Zanzibar President, Dr. Ali Mohamed Shein before visiting the narrow streets of the Stone Town, House of Wonder, Bububu Primary School and the Spice Farms.

Monday, November 7, 2011

His Royal Highness at Kigamboni inspecting Water Aid Project

His Royal Highness at the Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre

His Royal Highness asking questions after receiving a brief from officials of the Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre about their operations.

A special ferry that carry His Royal Highness and delegation to Kigamboni

Their Royal Highnesses at the Wonderwelders

Their Royal Highnesses are welcomed by the Wonder Welders Workshop Founder Hon. Paul Joynson-Hicks and Tanzanian Minister for Labour and Employment Hon. Kabaka and the Workshop Manager Mr. Shukuru Linduga

Their Royal Highnesses admiring art at the Wonder Welders Site

Their Royal Highnesses are invited to a fun-challenging activity, Her Royal Highness is to assemble a glass bead necklace, while His Roal Highness is to catch a tiny bead with a kniting stick.