Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Katibu Mkuu akanusha habari potoshi kuhusu Balozi zetu Nje

Katibu Mkuu wa Wizara ya Mambo ya Nje na Ushirikiano wa Kimataifa, Bw. John M. Haule (katikati), akikanusha na kurekebisha taarifa potoshi zilizoandikwa katika baadhi ya magazeti kuhusu Mabalozi na watumishi wake nje ya nchi.  Pichani ni Bw. Lupakisyo Mwakitalima (Kulia), Mhasibu Mkuu Wizarani na Bw. Assah Mwambene (kushoto), Kaimu Mkuu wa Kitengo cha Mawasiliano ya Serikali katika Wizara ya Mambo ya Nje na Ushirikiano wa Kimataifa.

Katibu Mkuu wa Wizara ya Mambo ya Nje na Ushirikiano wa Kimataifa, Bw. John M. Haule akieleza yale yaliyojiri jana katika Kikao cha Kamati ya Kamati ya Kudumu ya Bunge ya Hesabu za Serikali (PAC).  Pichani ni Bw. Lupakisyo Mwakitalima, Mhasibu Mkuu wa Wizarani.  

Katibu Mkuu wa Wizara ya Mambo ya Nje na Ushirikiano wa Kimataifa, Bw. John M. Haule akifafanua kuhusu uendeshaji wa Balozi zetu nje.   Pichani ni Bw. Assah Mwambene, Kaimu Mkuu wa Kitengo cha Mawasiliano ya Serikali Wizarani.  

Katibu Mkuu wa Wizara ya Mambo ya Nje na Ushirikiano wa Kimataifa akisiliza maswali mbalimbali yaliyohojiwa na waandishi leo Wizarani.  Pichani ni Bw. Lupakisyo Mwakitalima (Kulia), Mhasibu Mkuu Wizarani na Bw. Assah Mwambene (Kushoto), Kaimu Mkuu katika Kitengo cha Mawasiliano ya Serikali Wizarani.

Katibu Mkuu akanusha habari potoshi
kuhusu Balozi zetu Nje

Katibu Mkuu wa Wizara ya Mambo ya Nje na Ushirikiano wa Kimataifa, Bw. John M. Haule, leo alikutana na waandishi wa habari Wizarani, kukanusha na kusahihisha habari potoshi zilizoandikwa na baadhi ya magazeti. 
Machapisho ya baadhi ya magazeti hayo yaliandika kuwa Balozi za Tanzania nje ziko hoi, na kwamba Wizara haina fedha za kulipa mishahara, na hivyo kufanya watumishi kuishi kwa mikopo.  
Bw. Haule alieleza kuwa “taarifa hizo si sahihi na ni potoshi kwa umma.”  Alieleza kuwa ni kweli kuwa Kamati ya Kudumu ya Bunge ya Hesabu za Serikali (PAC) ilikutana jana, na kwamba “si kweli kuwa Wizara haina fedha za kuwalipa mishahara Mabalozi au watumishi wake wa nje, bali fedha hizo zimetengwa na upelekwa Ubalozini mara zinapotolewa na Hazina.”
Aidha, alieleza kuwa Hazina imeanzisha utaratibu mpya ambapo Balozi zinatumiwa fedha zakukidhi mahitaji (mishahara na posho za kujikimu) mara moja kila baada ya miezi mitatu.  Kwa mfano, kwa mwaka huu, Hazina imeshazituma fedha za miezi Januari, Februari na Machi.  
Sambamba na maelezo hayo, Bw. Haule alisema kuwa mfano alioutumia jana alipokuwa akihojiwa na Kamati ya PAC, ulikuwa ni kwa ajili ya kuonyesha kuwa fedha zilizolipwa na Hazina katika kipindi cha bajeti ya mwaka 2011/12 bado hazikidhi mahitaji ya Wizara.
"Lakini kitendo cha baadhi ya magazeti kuripoti taarifa potoshi ni cha kusikitisha, na kwa kwamba Serikali kwa kupitia Wizara hii, utuma mishahara na psho kwa wakati kwa kadri zinapopokelewa kutoka Hazina.  Tuna ushirikiano mzuri na Hazina, na tunafuata utaratibu mpya wa kutuma fedha uliopangwa na Hazina.  Utaratibu huo ni wa kutuma fedha mara moja kila miezi mitatu," alieleza Bw. Haule. 

Hon. Membe on a bilateral meeting with Finnish Minister of International Development

Hon. Bernard K. Membe (MP), the Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, on a bilateral meeting with Hon. Heidi Hautala, the Minister of International Development of Finland in Helsinki on 14th February, 2012.

Minister Heidi Hautala (center), listening on to Hon. Membe during their bilateral talks.  Others on the photo are Ms. Vuokko Jutila from the Department for Africa and Middle East and Ms. Maria Kurikkala, Diplomatic Adviser to the Minister for International Development.

Hon. Membe (2d-right), together with H.E. Ambassador Muhammed Mzale, Ambassador of Tanzania in Sweden accredited to Finland and Ms. Dora Msechu, Acting Director for Multilateral Cooperation Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in Tanzania.

 Hon. Membe on a bilateral meeting with Finnish Minister of International Development

Tanzanian Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Hon. Bernard K. Membe (MP), was in bilateral talks with Hon. Heidi Hautala, the Minister of International Development of Finland today in Helsinki.
In their bilateral discussion, the two Ministers expressed their governments’ appreciation to the happily existing bilateral relations exist between the two countries.  
Minister Membe thanked the government of Finland for unwavering support and commitment to Tanzania in terms of both General Budget Support (GBS) and Sectoral Support.  On her part, Hon. Hautala assured Tanzania of Finland's commitment to stay a course.
The Ministers also exchanged views on the ways and means of strengthening the newly established the Uongozi Institute for Sustainable Development currently situated in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.  The Institute, which is the brain child of the Helsinki Process, was co-Chaired by Tanzania and Finland with goals to seek new approaches on global problem solving.
Minister Hautala was accompanied by Ms. Vuokko Jutila from the Department for Africa and Middle East and Ms. Maria Kurikkala, Diplomatic Adviser to the Minister for International Development.  For Tanzania’s part, Minister Membe was accompanied by Amb. Mohamed Mzale, Ambassador of the United Republic of Tanzania in Sweden accredited to Finland and Ms. Dora Msechu, Acting Director for Multilateral Cooperation Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Mhe Rais akutana na Mwakilishi Maalum wa Rais wa Urusi

Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania, Mheshimiwa Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete amekutana na kufanya mazungumzo na Mheshimiwa Mikhail V. Margelov, Mjumbe Maalum wa Rais wa Urusi, Mheshimiwa Dmitry Medvedev.

Katika mazungumzo hayo yaliyofanyika leo, Jumatatu, Februari 13, 2012 Ikulu, Dar es Salaam, Rais Kikwete amemtaka Mjumbe Maalum huyo kusaidia kushawishi makampuni zaidi ya Urusi kuwekeza katika uchumi wa Tanzania.
Aidha, Rais Kikwete ametaka Tanzania na Urusi kuongeza ushirikiano wa kiuchumi katika nyanja mbali mbali ikiwa ni pamoja na kuchukua hatua ambazo zitaongeza idadi ya watalii wa Urusi wanaotembelea Tanzania. Mwaka jana ni watalii 4,500 wa Urusi waliotembelea Tanzania.
Rais Kikwete na Mheshimiwa Margelov pia wamezungumzia masuala mbali mbali ya kimataifa, ya kanda ya Afrika na ya uhusiano kati ya Tanzania na Urusi.
Mjumbe Maalum huyo wa Mheshimiwa Medvedev anatembelea Tanzania ikiwa ni sehemu ya ziara yake katika nchi za Afrika Mashariki za Kenya na Uganda. Alianza ziara yake kwa kutembelea Zanzibar jana na atakuwa Kenya kesho.

The Helsinki +10 Conference kickstarts today

Hon. Erkki Tuomioja, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Republic of Finland gives his remarks as a co-Chair of the Helsinki +10 Conference.  The Conference has gathered participants from goverments, private sector and civil societies from Helsinki Process participating countries with the intention to review the work of the Helsinki Process ended in 2008 and charting the way forward.


Hon. Bernard K. Membe (MP), Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation gives his remarks as a co-Chair at the Helsinki +10 Conference opening. The Conference is  also graced by H.E. Dr. Asha Rose Migiro, the Deputy Secretary of the United Nations. 


Dr. Asha-Rose Migiro, the Deputy Secretary of the United Nations, gives her remarks during the Helsinki +10 Conference.   The Government of Finland has organized this two-days Conference in cooperation with the Government of Tanzania, in an effort to focus on two of the most critical global challenges of today - global economic governance and sustainable development. 


Various participants from goverments, private sector and civil societies, including our Ambassador of Tanzania in Sweden, H.E. Muhammed Mwinyi Haji Mzale, listening on as the Helsinki +10 Conference kicks off in Helsinki, Finland. 

The Helsinki +10 Conference kickstarts today  

The Helsinki Process (HP+ 10) Conference officially kicks off today in Helsinki, with Hon. Bernard K. Membe, the Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Tanzania and Hon. Erkki Tuomioja, the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Finland act as co-Chairs for the Conference.  The Conference is a joint initiative effort between the two countries since 2002.
It is joint collaboration that has brought together governments, international organizations, NGOs, private sectors as well as research institutions from around the world to explore innovative proposals for solutions of global governance challenges especially in dealing with climate change and economic fluctuations.   The aim is to look back on and assess the Helsinki Process approach and lessons learned from the previous 2008 Conference, and consider how to address and solve today’s global problems.  
The Conference will focus on two of the most critical global challenges of today – global economic governance and sustainable development. The effects of the turmoil of the financial system cannot be avoided in international cooperation, and it has become clear that there is room for improvement in the global economic governance. Sustainable development and its three pillars – economic, social and ecological – also affect everybody, and due attention has to be paid to all its aspects to ensure future growth and development.
The two-day Conference is taking place in Hanasaari, and is expected to end on February 14, 2012.

H.E. President Kikwete sends a congratulatory message to the newly elected President of the Republic of Finland

H.E. President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, the President of the United Republic of Tanzania, sends the following congratulatory message to His Excellency Sauli Niinistö, President-Elect of the Republic of Finland, following the election held on 5th of February, 2012.  The message reads as follows;

His Excellency Sauli Niinistö,
President – Elect of the Republic of Finland,

Your Excellency,

It is with great pleasure, on behalf of the Government and people of the United Republic of Tanzania and indeed on my own behalf, that I take this opportunity to convey to you and through you to the Government and people of the Republic of Finland, warm greetings and congratulations upon your election as the President-Elect of the Republic of Finland. Your election is a clear testimony of the trust and confidence the people of Finland have vested in you and your leadership.

 I wish you every success in the fulfillment of your new challenging responsibilities in line with the mandate you have been entrusted by the Finnish people. Let me also take this opportunity to assure Your Excellency of my Government’s continued commitment in further strengthening the excellent  bilateral relations that so happily exist between our two countries and peoples.

Please accept, Your Excellency, my best wishes for your personal good health and peace and prosperity for the people of the Republic of Finland.

Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete


Issued by 

13th February, 2012

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Waziri Membe ahudhuria Mkutano wa Helsinki+10

Mhe. Waziri Bernard K. Membe (kushoto), Waziri wa Mambo ya Nje na Ushirikiano wa Kimataifa akiwa katika maongezi na Mhe. Dkt. Asha-Rose Migiro (katikati), Naibu Katibu Mkuu wa Umoja wa Mataifa (UN) na Mhe. Mary Robinson (kulia), Rais Mstaafu wa Ireland, katika VIP ya uwanja wa ndege wa kimataifa jijini Helsinki, Finland leo tarehe 12 Februari, 2012.
Waziri Membe yuko nchini Finland kuhudhuria Mkutano wa Helsinki+10, ambapo Mhe. Membe ni Mwenyekiti Mwenza wa Mchakato huo.

Mhe. Mary Robinson (kulia), Rais Mstaafu wa Ireland akiwa katika maongezi na jambo na Waziri Bernard K. Membe (2-kushoto), Waziri wa Mambo ya Nje na Ushirikiano wa Kimataifa, Mhe. Dkt. Asha-Rose Migiro (2-kulia), Naibu Katibu Mkuu wa Umoja wa Mataifa (UN) na Mhe. Balozi Muhammed Mwinyi Haji Mzale, Balozi wa Tanzania nchini Sweden na Finland.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Global Counterterrorism Forum opens in Dar

Hon. Bernard K. Membe (MP), the Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, giving his opening remarks during the two-days Global Counterterrorism Forum held at Serena Hotel in Dar es Salaam.  The Forum is jointly organized by the European Union and Turkish Government which has brought experts from various countries to deliberate on the joint efforts to tackle security and terrorism threats in the Horn of Africa/Yemen Region. 

Hon. Bernard K. Membe (MP), the Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and Ambassador Reha Keskintepe, the Managing Director of European Union (2d-left), listening on during the two-days Global Counterterrorism Forum held at Serena Hotel in Dar es Salaam.

Various Participants including Russia and Pakistan, listening on during the two-days Global Counterterrorism Forum held at Serena Hotel today in Dar es Salaam.   

Mr. Valentine Mlowola (Left), the Coordinator of Counterterrorism Center in Tanzania and Mr. George Panga (2d-left) of the President's Office listening on during the opening of the two-days Global Counterterrorism Forum held at Serena Hotel today in Dar es Salaam.

The Global Counterterrorism Forum opens in Dar
The two-day Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF) officially opened today by Hon. Bernard K. Membe (MP), the Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in Serena Hotel in Dar es Salaam. The Forum is jointly organized by the European Union and Turkish Government which has brought experts from various countries to deliberate on the joint efforts to tackle security and terrorism threats in the Horn of Africa/Yemen Region.

During his opening remarks, Hon. Membe said terrorist activities have increasingly become an agony in the continent of Africa, with expansion of terrorist activities to currently 5 terrorist organizations – Al Qaeda, Al Shabab, Boko Haram of West Africa, Lords Resistance Army (LAR) of Uganda and Piracy in East Africa. He mentioned terrorism as a crisis that that needs to be addressed through joining global efforts in order to catch up with its increasing transnational and sophistication nature.
Hon. Membe also expressed concern over the crisis in the Horn of Africa – particularly Somalia, whose political instability makes it vulnerable to be used as safe haven for perpetrators of terrorism, who find easy refuge, cheap weaponry and desperate youth population to expand its base.
He further said during his opening remarks that Tanzania takes terrorism issue as a priority. “In combating the issue of terrorism, Tanzania takes this issue very seriously especially since the 1998 bombing of the U.S. Embassy in Tanzania”, Hon. Membe said.  
The government has reinforced its laws, for instance, establishing intelligence unit, human right commission, institutions against poverty and unemployment issues, all in an effort to combat terrorism.
On her part, Ambassador Mara Marinaki, Managing Director of European Union (EU), said that the two day meeting will tackle various issues particularly on how to protect and make the Horn of Africa a safe place.  She said that they plan to discuss two goals, namely, the political concerns and ramifications on terrorism and finding solutions and approach on law enforcement cooperation.    Ms. Marinaki said an immediate action needs to be implemented to prevent the vast spread of human trafficking, terrorism, piracy and weaknesses in the boarder securities.
During the two day meeting, they also plan to discuss the global linkage to stability in the Horn of Africa due to acts of terrorism and piracy which require urgency in international response.    Ms. Marinaki further explained that the meeting will seek to identify synergizing efforts and make a comprehensive approach in combating conditions that lead to terrorism such as lack of rule of law, social, economical, political marginalization and criminal justice.
Meanwhile, Ambassador Reha Keskintepe, Managing Director of Counterterrorism in Turkey, said that this two day meeting will bridge a beginning of a strong and steady cooperation between Turkey and African nations.  He said Turkey and the Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF) are concurrently making dynamic efforts in helping African continent combat issues against terrorism and piracy. 
He said that terrorism is a challenge that needs to be addressed in a speedy and coherent action by member co-chairs of European Union (EU), the United States and participants from Yemen, Uganda, Djibouti, Tanzania, African Union (AU), the United Nations (UN) and Turkey itself. 

Friday, February 3, 2012

Membe for enhanced bilateral ties with Mexico

The Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Hon. Bernard Membe (MP) yesterday held talks with the newly appointed Honorary Consul of Republic of Mexico, H.E Mohammed Reza Saboor at the Ministry's headquarter in Dar es salaam.

In their discussions, Hon. Bernard Membe (MP) called for enhanced bilateral ties between Tanzania and Republic of Mexico, saying since time immemorial the two countries have had an excellent working relations.

He told the newly appointed Honorary Consul of the Republic, Mr M. Reza Saboor, that Mexico and Tanzania have had a very cordial bilateral relations saying the arrival of the new Honorary Consul was yet another opportunity to revitalise the relations.

" we have never had problems with the Republic of Mexico, we see eye to eye in most of the international fora and I am looking forward to working closely with you" the Minister told the Mexican Honorary Consul, who paid a courtesy call on him.

He said the relations between the two brotherly countries must move even to a greater height with the presence of the resident Honorary Consul in Dar es salaam.

On his part, the Newly appointed Mexican Honorary Consul, H.E. Mhamed Reza Saboor told the Minister that more than 50 business men and women from Mexico were expected to participate in the forthcoming Mwalimu Julius Nyerere International Trade Fair in July this year.

he said particiaption of the businessmen and women from Mexico was part of the mission to explore more business and investment opportunities Tanzania.

With regard to scholarship opportunities available in Mexico, the Honorary Mexican Consul said his country was devising a better mechanism that would ensure that more scholarships were more readily available and beneficial to Tanzanian students than the previous arrangement.

He also expressed readness of the Mexican government to sponsor some Tanzania musicians and artists so that they learn and compare notes with their counterparts in Mexico.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Waziri Membe aongea kuhusu Kikao cha 18 cha AU

Mhe. Bernard K. Membe (MB), Waziri wa Mambo ya Nje na Ushirikiano wa
Kimataifa, akifafanua ombi lililotolewa na Tanzania la kuanzishwa kwa
Taasisi ya Kiafrika kuhusu Sheria za Kimataifa (African Institute of
International Law).  Ombi hilo lilikubaliwa na Wakuu wa Nchi na Serikali wa
Umoja wa Afrika (AU) na Taasisi hiyo itaanzishwa hivi karibuni mjini
Arusha.  Waziri Membe alikuwa akizungumza na waandishi wa habari ofisini
kwake leo jijini Dar es Salaam. 

Mhe. Bernard K. Membe (MB), Waziri wa Mambo ya Nje na Ushirikiano wa
Kimataifa, akizungumza na waandishi wa habari kuhusu uchaguzi wa Mwenyekiti
wa Kamisheni wa Umoja wa Afrika (AU).  Pichani ni Bi. Zuhura Bundala
(kulia), Kaimu Mkurugenzi wa Idara ya Afrika na Bw. Assah
Mwambene (kushoto), Kaimu Mkuu wa Kitengo cha Mawasiliano ya Serikali.

Waziri Membe aongea kuhusu Kikao cha 18 cha AU

Kikao cha 18 cha Wakuu wa Nchi na Serikali wa Umoja wa Afrika (AU) kimemalizika hivi karibuni mjini Addis Ababa, Ethiopia ambapo kilihudhuriwa na Wakuu wa Nchi na Serikali wapatao 40, akiwemo Mhe. Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania.  Wakuu hao walitoa msisitizo wa uimarishwaji wa biashara miongoni mwa nchi za Afrika na uhumimu wa uanzishwaji wa Soko Huru Barani Afrika (Continental Free Trade Area – CFTA) ifikapo mwaka 2017.

Hayo yalibainiwa leo na Mhe. Bernard K. Membe (MB), Waziri wa Mambo ya Nje na Ushirikiano wa Kimataifa, alipokutana na waandishi wa habari ofisini kwake jijini Dar es Salaam.  Katika mazungumzo yake, Mhe. Membe alisema kuwa Wakuu hao walijadili kwa kina kauli mbiu ya “Kukuza Biashara miongoni mwa Nchi za Afrika – (Boosting Intra-African Trade” na umuhimu wake kwa Bara la Afrika.  Ilibainishwa kuwa biashara miongoni mwa nchi za Afrika ni kidogo mno ikilinganishwa na biashara kati ya Afrika na nchi nyingine za nje ya Bara la Afrika.

Aidha, Mhe. Membe alisema Wakuu hao walijadili umuhimu wa uanzishwaji wa Soko Huru Barani Afrika (Continental Free Trade Area- CFTA) ifikapo mwaka 2017, na kwamba uanzishwaji huo utakuza uchumi na kuleta maendeleo endelevu na kuongeza nafasi za ajira Barani Afrika.   Kadhalika, Kamati ya Ngazi ya Juu kuhusu Biashara ya Afrika (High Level African Trade Committee – HATC) ilipendekezwa iwe na jukumu la kuratibu suala hilo na kutanzua vikwazo vinavyoweza kujitokeza, pamoja na kuishirikisha Kamisheni ya Uchumi ya Afrika ya Umoja huo – UNECA na Benki ya Maendeleo ya Afrika (African Development Bank  - AfDB) kuisadia Afrika katika utekelezaji wake na hatua zilizokubalika katika kuanzisha CFTA.

Kikao hicho kilifunguliwa rasmi tarehe 29 Januari, 2012 chini ya unyekiti wa Mhe. Theodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, Rais wa Jamhuri ya Equatorial Guinea na kufanyika katika jengo jipya ambalo AU imejengewa na Serikali ya China.  Jengo hilo ni zawadi kutoka Serikali hiyo ikiwa ni ishara ya urafiki wa kweli na wa dhati kati ya Afrika na China na lilifunguliwa rasmi tarehe 28 January 2012 na Mhe. Jia Qinglin, Mwenyekiti wa CPPCC (Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference).  Ujenzi wa jengo hilo umegharimu kiasi cha US $200 milioni.

Awali, Kikao hicho kilitanguliwa na vikao viwili: kwanza, Kikao cha Kamati ya Mabalozi, ambacho kilifanyika tarehe 23 hadi 24 Januari, 2012 na; Pili, Kikao cha Baraza la Mawaziri kilichofanyika tarehe 26 hadi 27 Januari, 2012.

Aidha, Wakuu hao wa Umoja wa Afrika walifanya uchaguzi wa nafasi mbalimbali katika Umoja huo na kujadili masuala mbalimbali yanayohusu amani na usalama Barani Afrika.  Katika uchaguzi wa Mwenyekiti wa AU, Mhe. Boni Yayi, Rais wa Jamhuri ya Benin ndiye aliyechukua nafasi ya uenyekiti huo badala ya Mhe. Rais Mbasogo wa Equatorial Guinea. 

Sambamba na uchaguzi wa Benin kuwa Mwenyekiti wa AU, nchi nyingine zilizochaguliwa (Members of the Bureau) kusaidiana na Benin, zilikuwa ni: Uganda kutoka kanda ya Mashariki mwa Afrika (Makamu wa Kwanza wa Mwenyekiti); Tunisia kutoka Kaskazini mwa Afrika (Makamu wa Pili wa Mwenyekiti); Afrika Kusini kutoka kanda ya Kusini mwa Afrika (Makamu wa Tatu wa Mwenyekiti); na Central African kutoka kanda ya Afrika ya Kati (Rappoteur).  Nchi nyingine zilizoteuliwa kama wasaidizi katika Drafting Committee ni Burkina Faso, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Tanzania, Algeria, Libya, Afrika Kusini, Lesotho, Zimbabwe, Cameroon, Gabon na Chad.

Aidha, Wakuu hao walifanya uchaguzi wa Mwenyekiti wa Kamisheni ya AU tarehe 30, ambao wagombea wa nafasi hiyo walikuwa ni Mhe. Dkt. Jean Ping, raia wa Gabon, aliyekuwa akitetea nafasi yake, na Mhe. Dkt. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, raia wa Afrika Kusini.  Jitihada za kupiga kura mara nne za kumchagua Mwenyekiti mpya wa Kamisheni hiyo zilishindikana kufuatana na taratibu za AU za mshindi kupata kura 36 (theluthi mbili ya Nchi Wanachama 53 zinazostahili kupiga kura) na hivyo kukosekana mshindi.

Hivyo, Wakuu wa Nchi na Serikali waliamua kusimamisha uchaguzi huo hadi Kikao kijacho cha Wakuu wa Nchi na Serikali kinachotarajiwa kufanyika mwezi Juni 2012.  Aidha, Wakuu wa Nchi na Serikali waliamua kuunda Kamati (Ad-Hoc Committee of Heads of State and Government) ambayo itajumuisha nchi moja kutoka kila kanda chini ya Uenyekiti wa Benin.  Katika kamati hiyo, nchi za Gabon na Afrika Kusini zitashiriki.  Jukumu la kamati hiyo ni kushughulikia masuala yote yanayohusu uchaguzi unaokuja wa kujaza nafasi katika Kamisheni ya AU.

Aidha, Wakuu hao walifanya uteuzi wa wanachama 10 wa Baraza la Amani na Usalama (Peace and Security Council – PSC) la AU na kuziteua nchi za Cameroon, Congo, Djibouti, Tanzania, Misri, Angola, Lesotho, Cote d’Ivoire, Gambia, Guinea.  Nchi hizo zitatumikia PSC kwa kipindi cha miaka miwili kuanzia mwezi Machi 2012.

Katika mjadala wa suala la amani na usalama Barani Afrika, Kikao hicho pia kilijadili kwa kirefu juhudi zinazofanyika katika kutafuta suluhu za migogoro na maendeleo ya nchi mbalimbali zikiwemo Tunisia, Misri na Libya.  Kuhusu nchi ya Madagascar, Wakuu hao walipongeza juhudi za Jumuiya ya Maendeleo ya Kusini mwa nchi za Afrika (SADC) kwa hatua ya kutafuta suluhu ya mgogoro na kuifikisha nchi hiyo kusaini mpangilio wa kumaliza mgogoro uliyofanyika tarehe 16 September, 2011.

Kuhusu Somalia, Wakuu wa Nchi na Serikali walielezea pia kuridhishwa kwao na hatua iliyofikiwa katika kutafuta suluhu nchini humo.  Aidha, waliunga mkono hatua ya kuimarisha AMISOM pamoja na vikundi vya TFG. Vile vile, walihimiza wadau wa AU kuunga mkono juhudi zinazoendelea.  Mwisho, walionyesha matumaini yao kwa Mkutano kuhusu Somalia unaotarajiwa kufanyika London tarehe 23 Februari, 2012. 

Kadhalika, kuhusu Sudan, Wakuu hao waliisifu AU-UN Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID) kwa mchango wake katika kutafuta amani na usalama katika Darfur.  Aidha, Wakuu wa Nchi na Serikali walilaani mapigano yanayoendelea katika maeneo ya Blue Nile na Kordofan. 

Wakuu hao pia walielezea masikitiko yao ya hali inayoendelea ati ya nchi mbili za Sudan na Sudan Kusini.  Hivyo, walizitaka nchi hizo mbili kuacha mara moja hatua binafsi wanazochukua kuhusiana na mafuta, ambayo inaweza kuleta athari katika mahusiano ya nchi hizo.

Nchi ya Tanzania ilikuwa ni mojawapo ya nchi zilizowasilisha agenda wakati wa Kikao cha 18 cha Wakuu wa Nchi na Serikali.  Agenda ya kwanza ilihusu ombi la Tanzania kuwa mwenyeji wa Sekretarieti ya AU ya Bodi ya Ushauri dhidi ya Rushwa (AU Advisory Board on Corruption).  Wakuu wa Nchi na Serikali kwa kutambua umuhimu wa Bodi hiyo kushirikiana na Koti ya Afrika inayohusu Haki za Binadamu na Watu (African Court on Human and People’s Rights), ambayo iko Arusha, Tanzania, katika kuimarisha njia za kuzuia, kupiga vita na kuondoa rushwa Barani Afrika, walikubaliana kwa kauli moja na kuiteua Tanzania iwe mwenyeji wa Bodi hiyo ikiwa na makazi mjini Arusha.

Agenda ya pili ilihusu ombi la Tanzania kuanzisha Taasisi ya Kiafrika kuhusu Sheria za Kimataifa (African Institute of Internatinal Law).  Kwa kuzingatia umuhimu wa Taasisi hiyo siyo tu kwa Nchi Wanachama bali pia kwa Kamisheni ya AU, Wakuu wa Nchi na Serikali walikubali kuwa Taasisi hiyo pia ianzishwe mjini Arusha, Tanzania.

Kikao kifuatacho cha 19 kinatarajiwa kufanyika Lilongwe nchini Malawi, mwezi Juni 2012. 

Sunday, January 29, 2012

H.E. Ambassador Mulamula returns home

H.E. Ambassador Liberata Mulamula speaks to Mr. Joseph Haule, The African newspaper reporter after her arrival at the Julius Nyerere International Airport in Dar es Salaam.   H.E. Ambassador Mulamula has just finished her tenure as the first Executive Secretary of the International Conference of the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR), a position she has served successfully for the past five years.  Her Successor is Professor Ntumba Liaba, a former Human Rights Minister for the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).  

H.E. Ambassador Liberata Mulamula listening on to Mr. Joseph Haule, The African newspaper reporter (not on the photo), upon her arrival at the Julius Nyerere International Airport in Dar es Salaam.  

Friday, January 27, 2012

Hon. Membe meets British Foreign Minister for Africa

The Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Hon. Bernard K. Membe (MP) today met with the British Foreign Minister incharge of African Affairs, Hon. Henry Bellingham at the margins of the 20th Executive Council of the African Union at the new AU complex in Addis Ababa Ethiopia.

In their meeting, the two leaders discussed a number of bilateral issues ranging from improving trade between the two countries and the joint strategy to curb piracy in the coast of East Africa. The two leaders also discussed about the preparation of the forthcoming Conference on Somali Conflict.

Hon. Membe is leading Tanzania delegation to the Executive Council of the African Union in Ethiopia.

President Kikwete congratulates Australians on their National Day

H.E. Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, President of the United Republic of Tanzania has sent a congratulatory message to the Rt. Hon. Julia Gillard, Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Australia on the occasion of the Australian National Day.

The message reads as follows:

“Rt. Hon. Julia Gillard,
Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Australia

Your Excellency,

On behalf of the Government and people of the United Republic of Tanzania and on my own behalf, I wish to extend my sincere congratulations to the government and people of the Commonwealth of Australia on the occasion of celebrating Australia National Day.

The government of Tanzania highly values the ties, which exist with the Government of Australia, and is ready to maintain and enhance the relations in a bid to benefit the peoples of the two countries. Together, we have built bridges between our two nations in every conceivable field, from commerce and trade to education, health and mining. It is therefore vital that we continue to work together so as to contribute to the efforts of making the world a better place to live.

Please accept, Rt. Honourable Prime Minister, my best wishes for your good health and continued peace and prosperity for the people of Australia”.


27TH JANUARY, 2012

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Tanzania pioneers Kiswahili teaching at AU

From ASSAH MWAMBENE, in Addis Ababa

The Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Hon Bernard K. Membe (MP) yesterday launched the first Kiswahili class at the Language Center of the African Union, where he emphasized the importance of Kiswahili as one of the fastest growing language in the continent.

Speaking at the official lauching ceremony which took place along the margins of the 20th Session of the Executive Council of the African Union (AU), the Minister said Kiswahili has been used as a unifying tool in most of the African countries, Tanzania in particular.

"I will inform my President and my countrymen that Kiswahili has wings, it has now landed in Addis Ababa at the African Union, it is doing wonders," the Minister Noted.  He further noted that apart from the fact that Kiswahili is widely spoken in Africa, it borrows most of its vocaburaries from Arabic and African languages making it one of the most popular language among the Arab and African countries.

The Minister Commended the Tanzanian Embassy in Addis Ababa for initiating the course, saying the initiative will help in popularising the language within and beyond Africa. He thanked H.E. Joram Biswaro, the Ambassador of Tanzania to Ethiopia and AU for striving to kickstart the project without any financial assistance.

The Coordinator of the Programme at the Tanzania Embassy in Addis Ababa, Ms Suma Mwakyusa said the class has a total of 26 students who are AU officials and and members of the Diplomatic Corps. She informed that there will be two classes taught by competent Tanzanian teachers namely Mrs ELizabeth Magoke and Mrs Ikunda Sabath on voluntary basis.

"The teachers understood our initiative, and being nationalists agreed to volunteer to teach," said Ms. Mwakyusa.  She added that the Embassy in collaboration with the African Union Commission intends to organise a three week-trip to Tanzania for the best students to enable them practice the language as spoken by the Swahili natives in the streets of Dar es salaam and Zanzibar.

 The AU Coordinator for Languages, Mr Linus Chata expressed his appreciation for the Tanzania High Level visit to the Language Centre, noting that it signifies the commitment of Tanzania in supporting the programme. He said Kiswahili is the only language which is supported by an African Country- Tanzania, unlike other languages spoken in Africa which are being sponsored by countries outside the African Union.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Newly appointed FAO Rep presents her Credentials

Ms. Diana E. Tempelman, the newly appointed Country Representative for Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) to Tanzania, presents her Credentials to Hon. Bernard K. Membe (MP), the Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation at the Ministry in Dar es Salaam on January 24, 2012.  

Hon. Membe and Ms. Tempelman in brief talks, after presentation of her Credentials.

Hon. Membe in talks with Ms. Tempelman (center), the newly appointed FAO Country Representative, and Mr. Alberic Kacou (left), the UNDP Resident Representative and Resident Coordinator of the United Nations System in Tanzania.

The newly appointed County Representative of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) to Tanzania, Ms. Diana E. Tempelman today presented her Credentials to Hon. Bernard K. Membe (MP), the Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation at the Ministry in Dar es Salaam.
During the ceremony, Hon. Membe thanked FAO for the role it has played in various projects especially in Agriculture and Food Security since in the 1960s, and hoped that arrival of Ms. Tempelman will further enhance and sustain the spirit in helping Tanzania battle against famine and poverty.
He further said that Tanzania prides itself with the richness in agriculture, and is currently in an effort to collect food around its regions to help affected nations like Somalia where close to 2.7 million people are starving and six die people everyday. 
On her part, Ms. Tempelman said she was looking forward to continue work on various projects her predecessor had started.  She added that she will find time to visit the productive regions in Tanzania that Hon. Membe had suggested, such as Ruvuma, Iringa and Mbeya.  

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Waziri Membe kukutana na APRM

Mhe. Bernard K. Membe (Mb.), Waziri wa Mambo ya Nje na Ushirikiano wa Kimataifa tarehe 16 Januari, 2012 anatarajiwa kuonana na menejimenti ya Mpango wa Umoja wa Afrika wa Kijitathmini Kiutawala Bora jijini Dar es salaam.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Balozi Taj akabidhi Hati za Utambulisho Ureno

Mhe. Balozi Begum Karim Taj akiwakilisha Hati za Utambulisho leo tarehe 10/01/2011 kwa Mhe. Prof. Anibal Cavaco Silva, Rais wa Jamhuri ya Ureno. Shughuli hii imefanyika Lisbon, Ureno.

Rais Kikwete apokea Hati za Utambulisho kutoka kwa Mabalozi Watano

Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania, Mheshimiwa Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete leo, Jumanne, Januari 10, 2012, amepokea hati za utambulisho kutoka kwa mabalozi watano ambao wataziwakilisha nchi zao katika Tanzania.

Katika shughuli fupi iliyofanyika Ikulu, Dar es Salaam, Rais amepokea hati za utambulisho wa Balozi wa Denmark Mheshimiwa Johnny Flentoe, Balozi wa Malawi Mheshimiwa Mama Flossie Asekanao Gomile-Chidyaonga, Balozi wa Umoja wa Ulaya Mheshimiwa Filiberto Cerian Sibregondi, Balozi wa Burundi Mheshimiwa Issa Ntambuka na Balozi wa Uturuki Mheshimiwa Ali Davutoglu.

Katika mazungumzo na Balozi Flontoe wa Denmark, Rais Kikwete ameishukuru nchi hiyo kwa misaada mingi na ya miaka mingi ya maendeleo ambayo nchi hiyo imekuwa inatoa kwa Tanzania. “Tumenufaika sana na uhusiano mzuri baina ya nchi zetu na kiwango cha maendeleo yetu kimechangia vizuri na Denmark,” amesema.

          Rais Kikwete na kuongeza: “Tunafurahi pia Tanzania ilikaribishwa kushiriki na kutoa mchango katika Kamisheni ya Afrika iliyoangalia fursa za ajira kwa vijana katika Afrika. Changamoto kubwa kwetu sasa ni namna ya kutengeneza ajira za kutosha kwa maelfu ya vijana wanaomaliza shule kila mwaka kutokana na upanuzi mkubwa wa nafasi za elimu katika Tanzania.”

Rais Kikwete alikuwa Kamishna katika Tume hiyo iliyoundwa na aliyekuwa Waziri Mkuu wa Denmark Mheshimiwa Anders Fogh Rasmussen na iliyotoa ripoti yake iitwayo Africa Commission: Realising the Potential of Africa’s Youth mwezi Mei 2009.

Katika mazungumzo na Rais Kikwete, balozi mpya wa Malawi Mheshimiwa Balozi Gomile-Chidyaonga ameishukuru Tanzania kwa kuendelea kutoa njia ya Malawi kupitishia bidhaa zake.

“Uchumi wetu katika Malawi umechangiwa kwa kiasi kikubwa na Tanzania kuendelea kuiruhusu Malawi kutumia Bandari ya Dar es Salaam na kutumia barabara zake kupitishia bidhaa zetu,”amesema mama huyo.

Naye Rais Kikwete amemwambia mama huyo: “Nchi zetu zina uhusiano mzuri na wa karibu sana. Watu wetu ni wamoja na tutaendelea kuimarisha uhusiano huo na kushirikiana zaidi. Kama unavyojua, unaweza kuchagua rafiki lakini huwezi kuchagua jirani.”

Katika mazungumzo na Balozi Sibregondi wa Umoja wa Ulaya, Rais Kikwete amezungumzia umuhimu wa jinsi Tanzania na Umoja huo kushirikiana katika kukamilisha ujenzi wa Barabara ya Manyoni-Kigoma ili kuwezesha Tanzania kuunganishwa kwa barabara ya lami na nchi jirani ya Burundi.

“Tunahitaji kuendelea na ujenzi wa miundombinu na hasa ujenzi wa barabara kati ya Manyoni na Kigoma ili kufungua ushoroba wa magharibi mwa Tanzania.”

Rais Kikwete amemhakikishia Balozi Ntambuka wa Burundi kuwa Tanzania itaendelea kufungua ardhi na njia zake kwa ajili ya kupitishia bidhaa za Burundi. “Burundi ni nchi rafiki, ni nchi jirani, uhusiano wetu ni mzuri na tunashirikiana pia kupitia Jumuia ya Afrika Mashariki. Nataka kukuhakikishia kuwa Bandari za Tanzania na ardhi yake vitaendelea kuwa wazi kwa matumizi ya Burundi.”

Naye Balozi Ntambuka ameishukuru Tanzania kwa mchango wake wa kutafuta amani katika Burundi. “Hakuna sababu ya kurudia historia, lakini wenyewe tunajua tulipotoka na tunajua waliotusaidia. Bado wachanga, na ni muhimu Tanzania kuendelea kutulea na kutusaidia.”

Rais Kikwete na Balozi Davutoglu wa Uturuki wamekubaliana kuelekeza nguvu zaidi katika kujenga na kukuza uhusiano wa kibiashara na kiuchumi kati ya nchi hizo mbili. “Uhusiano wetu wa kidiplomasia ni mzuri sana, uhusiano wa kiuchumi na kibiashara ndio unaanza. Tunahitaji kuimarisha uhusiano wa kidiplomasia na kuongeza uhusiano wa kiuchumi,” amesema Rais Kikwete.

Balozi Davutoglu pia ameishukuru Tanzania kwa kutoa ardhi ambako Uturuki itajenga chuo kikuu.

Imetolewa na:

Kurugenzi ya Mawasiliano ya Rais,

10 Januari, 2012