Monday, October 7, 2013

President Kikwete bids farewell to the US Ambassador

H.E. Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, President of the United Republic of Tanzania escorted out H.E. Alfonso E. Lenhardt, Ambassador of the United States of America in Tanzania who has just completed his four years tenure.  The President bids farewell to the Ambassador earlier today at the State House.  (photo by the State House)

President Kikwete (2nd left) and Ambassador Lenhardt in a photo together with First Lady Mama Salma Kikwete (right) and Madam Lenhardt.  (photo by the State House) 

President Kikwete bids farewell to the US Ambassador


President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete has said that the diplomatic ties between Tanzania and the United States have grown stronger for the past few years due to the outstanding leadership of the outgoing US Ambassador Alfonso E. Lenhardt.

“It is my utmost hope that your predecessor will further strengthening the strong foundation of bilateral ties that exist between our two countries,” President Kikwete told Ambassador Lenhardt.  According to the Press Statement issued by Ms. Premi Kibanga, President's Assistant (Press), Ambassador Lenhardt had paid a courtesy visit to the President at the State House earlier today, to bid farewell after ending his four years tenure. 

On his part, the US Ambassador said that Tanzania has captured his heart and will continue to be so in his future endeavors.  “I thank your Government for your cooperation and ever readiness to assist when needed.  I want to assure you that in my heart, I will forever be the Ambassador of Tanzania,” said Ambassador Lenhardt.

Ambassador Lenhardt has served as the US Ambassador to the United Republic of Tanzania for the past four-years, to which his tenure has ended with an historical visit of the US President Barack Obama in July 2013.  

Hon. Deputy Minister Maalim shares a moment with US Ambassador Lenhardt during a farewell luncheon. (photo file - pic by Tagie Daisy Mwakawago) 
Recently the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Co-operation also took time to bid farewell to the US Ambassador.  

Hosting the occasion was the Deputy Minister Mahadhi Juma Maalim (MP), with participation from the Dean of the Diplomatic Corps, Ambassador Juma Alfan Mpango who is also the Ambassador of the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Head of the Delegation of the European Union, Mr Filiberto Ceriani Sebregondi and other members of diplomatic corps in the country.

During his opening remarks, Hon. Maalim said that Ambassador Lenhardt has been a colleague and a dear friend of Tanzania, and that bidding farewell brings mixed emotions of sadness and of satisfaction.

“Satisfaction comes from having a diplomat of your caliber, Ambassador Lenhardt, and we are here to celebrate a job well done for stewarding the partnership of these two countries,” said Deputy Minister, adding that Tanzania will forever remained indebted for his service.

Hon. Maalim also highlighted the tireless efforts that prompted high level visits in the country that included the US President Barack Obama, the former US Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, and former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and others.   “The visits created a momentum that is more substance to the existing ties,” said the Deputy Minister, adding that the predecessor will equally receive support and cooperation whilst in Tanzania.

He further noted that the Government of Tanzania will continue to work closely with the Government of the United States to ensure that economic cooperation is given priority to further strive and cement the existing ties.

“The two countries have been molding and nurturing excellent diplomatic relations for years, and we take pride of the fraternity bond established beyond political and economic cooperation,” said Deputy Minister Maalim.   

Ambassador Lenhardt has been a champion of awarding grants since 2009 upon his arrival in the country and continuously to September 2013.   Since 2009, the grants given by the US Government totaled over Tsh 300 million and have had a positive impact to the communities concerned from various regions such as Dar es Salaam, Geita, Iringa, Kigoma, Mbeya, Shinyanga, Rukwa, Zanzibar, Kilimanjaro and Mwanza.

On his part, Ambassador Lenhardt thanked the Government of Tanzania for its undying support and dedication whenever needed.  “I have had the best four years of service here in Tanzania,” said Ambassador Lenhardt, promising to visit back in the near future.

To the latter, the Deputy Minister also extended his invitation to the Ambassador and Madam Lenhardt, welcoming them back to the shores of Tanzania before too long.

Tanzania has enjoyed a great partnership from the United States of America in various development ventures that include education, health, agriculture, trade and investment, and many others.   The US support also extends through programmes such as Millennium Challenge Corporation-1 (MCC 1), the US President’s Emergency Programme for AIDS Relieve (PEPFAR), Feed the Future and many others.


Happy 63rd Birthday President Kikwete!

Thank you all for the birthday wishes.

Serikali yasaini Mkataba wa kuanzisha Kitengo cha Kuharakisha Huduma za Kilimo

Katibu Mkuu Ikulu, Bwana Peter Ilomo (kulia) akibadilishana waraka wa makubaliano ambao unajulikana kama “Catalyzing Agricultural  Developmenmt in Tanzania – Agricultural Delivery Division  kwa niaba ya Ofisi ya Rais, Ikulu na Mratibu Mkazi wa Umoja wa Mataifa na Mwakilishi Mkazi wa UNDP, Bwana Alberic Kacou mara baada ya kutia saini waraka huo.  (picha na Freddy Maro wa Ikulu)

Ofisi ya Rais yakanusha taarifa zinazosambazwa Mitandao ya Kijamii

Mawasiliano na Vyama vya Siasa nchini kuhusu Muswada wa Sheria ya Mabadiliko ya Katiba

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Shirika la UNHCR limeiomba radhi Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania

 Shirika la Umoja wa Mataifa la Kuhudumia Wakimbizi Duniani (UNHCR), limeiomba radhi Serikali ya Tanzania kufuatia taarifa waliyoitoa kwenye Mkutano wa 64 wa Kamati Tendaji (EXCOM) ya shirika hilo uliofanyika Geneva, Uswisi tarehe 30 Septemba hadi tarehe 4 Oktoba, 2013. Katika taarifa yao kuhusu Afrika, UNHCR ilieleza kuwa Tanzania imewafukuza Wakimbizi wa Rwanda na Burundi katika operesheni ya kuwaondoa Wahamiaji haramu inayoendelea nchini.

UNHRC imeiomba radhi Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania kupitia barua yake ya tarehe 2 Oktoba, 2013. Barua hiyo imeandikwa na Mkurugenzi wa UNHCR Kanda ya Afrika Bw. George Okoth-Obbo kwenda kwa Naibu Waziri wa Mambo ya Ndani ya Nchi, Mhe. Pereira Ame Silima  aliyeongoza ujumbe wa Tanzania katika Mkutano huo unaofanyika kila mwaka.

Katika barua hiyo, UNHCR imeeleza kusikitishwa na taarifa hiyo ambayo si ya kweli na imekiri kwamba Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania imekuwa ikishirikiana kwa karibu na UNHRC katika ngazi zote kuhakikisha kwamba hakuna mkimbizi anayerejeshwa kwao katika zoezi la kuwakamata na kuwarejesha kwao wahamiaji haramu linaloendelea nchini Tanzania. 

Aidha, Bw. Okoth Obbo ameeleza kuwa UNHCR na Jumuiya ya Kimataifa kwa ujumla inatambua na kuthamini kwa dhati mchango mkubwa ambao Tanzania imeutoa na inaendelea kuutoa katika kuwahifadhi wakimbizi wa mataifa mbalimbali kwa kipindi cha takribani miaka 40.

Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania imepokea kauli hiyo na kueleza kwamba inatarajia na inaamini kwamba UNHCR itaendelea kutoa taarifa sahihi zenye kutoa picha halisi inayoonesha namna Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania inavyotekeleza wajibu wake kuwalinda na kuwahifadhi Wakimbizi kwa mujibu wa Sheria za nchi na mikataba ya Kimataifa ambayo nchi imeridhia.


Imetolewa na Kitengo cha Mawasiliano ya Serikali
06, Oktoba, 2013


Saturday, October 5, 2013

Wanamichezo wa NJE Sports Club wakiwa katika mashindano ya SHIMIWI mkoani Dodoma

Wanamichezo wa NJE Sports Club wakiwa katika mashindano mbalimbali ya Shirikisho la Michezo ya Wizara na Idara za Serikali (SHIMIWI) mkoani Dodoma

Timu ya wanaume ya mpira wa miguu 

Timu ya wanawake ya mpira wa kikapu

Time ya wanawake

Timu ya Wavuta Kamba ikishiriki katika bonanza ya Mashindano ya Shirikisho la Michezo ya Wizara na Idara za Serikali (SHIMIWI) ya mwaka 2013, mkoani Dodoma.  

Wavuta kamba wakionesha mbwembwe zao

Wavuta kamba mtamboni

Wanamichezo wa NJE Sports Club wa Timu ya Wanawake  wakisubiri zamu yao kuingia uwanjani

Wanamichezo wa NJE Sports Club watembelea hospitali ya Mirembe, mkoani Dodoma. 

Hongereni sana kwa kazi nzuri!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Tanzania yashiriki Mkutano wa Kimataifa kuhusu Uhamiaji na Maendeleo

Mkurugenzi wa Idara ya Ushirikiano wa Kimataifa katika Wizara ya Mambo ya Nje na Ushirikiano wa Kimataifa, Balozi Celestine Mushy akifuatilia hotuba zilizokuwa zikitolewa na nchi mbalimbali duniani wakati wa Mkutano wa Kimataifa kuhusu Uhamiaji na Maendeleo . Mkutano huo ulifanyika mjini New York, Marekani tarehe 3 na 4 Oktoba, 2013 wakati wa Kikao cha 68 cha Baraza Kuu la Umoja wa Mataifa. Wengine katika picha ni Bibi Hannelore Manyanga (kulia), Kaimu Kamishna wa Uhamiaji kutoka Wizara ya Mambo ya Ndani ya Nchi na Bi. Ramla Hamis, Afisa Mambo ya Nje.
Balozi Mushy akitoa hotuba kwa niaba ya Serikali ya Tanzania kuhusu nafasi ya Tanzania katika kushughulikia masuala ya Uhamiaji na namna yanavyoweza kuchangia maendeleo ya nchi ambapo alitoa rai kwa jumuiya ya kimataifa kuendeleza majadiliano zaidi katika suala hili yatakayopelekea  kuunganisha dhana ya uhamiaji na maendeleo.

Balozi Mushy akiendelea kutoa hotuba yake huku Kaimu Rais wa Mkutano huo (kushoto) na Msaidizi wake wakifuatilia.

Ujumbe wa Tanzania ukifuatilia hotuba hiyo kwa makini.





President of the General Assembly,
Secretary General,
Ladies and Gentlemen.
Our two-day high level dialogue event on migration and development is a clear testimony of our collective recognition of the role that migration and migrants play in the development of their countries of origin, transit and destination.

Through this meeting, and many that preceded it, we have elevated, once more, the aspect of international migration to the top of global development agenda. The timing of the meeting is also opportune given the on-going consultations on post-2015 development agenda.

In our view, this high-level dialogue should clarify and establish clear linkages between migration and development in the context of the future development agenda. We are fully cognizant of the challenges lying ahead in integrating the issue of migration in the future sustainable development goals, owing to its complex nature but are confident that, through this two-day dialogue and subsequent dialogues we will find a workable compromise.

Mr. President,

The report of the High Level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda recognizes the contribution of migrants and migration to the economic wellbeing of their countries of destination and origin. It is thus our firm belief that orderly migration can, and indeed contributes to poverty eradication at household, family, societal and national levels; increases human capital and provides multiplier effect in local economies. Migrants can also transfer skills, expertise, technology and cultural norms and knowledge, including traditional knowledge to their countries of origin or destination.

It is out of this recognition that the Government has initiated processes that are intended to improve the wellbeing of our Diaspora community to allow them to participate more effectively in the socio-economic development of their home country, including through direct remittances and investments. These efforts are spearheaded by the DIASPORA Affairs department under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

In addition, we have developed an Action Plan on Migration related issues for the term (2012 to 2016) which focuses on building institutional capacity; setting up national consultation processes; enhancing dialogue between regional and national bodies; identifying and filling of data gaps; and formulating migration and border management strategies. The Plan further indicates ways of strengthening the internal coordination among government authorities working on migration related issues.

Tanzania is among the ACP Group of States which are currently implementing the Intra-ACP Migration Facility pilot from 2011 to date. The main objective of the facility is to support the mainstreaming of migration issues into national development policies and strategies. Through ACP support, Tanzania has established the National Consultative Committee on Migration comprising of government entities, civil societies, NGOs, and private sector. Currently, we are working on developing a National Migration and Development Policy.

Mr. President,

Migrants are increasingly on the move, flowing in and out of our borders in search of better life. Such movement can cause a huge strain on the receiving countries, especially those with fragile economies. International assistance is indispensable in these circumstances. But even more imperative is the existence of a policy environmental permitting for a humane treatment of these migrants, including regularization of illegal migrants to enable them to participate freely in the development endeavours in countries of their residence.  

The International Community needs to understand and appreciate the national and regional complexities and peculiarities when dealing with international migration and development. Countries like my own, Tanzania, which is both a transit and destination for migrants, faces a myriad of challenges, ranging from armed criminality, proliferation of small arms and light weapons and violation of wildlife and conservation rules and regulations, in particular logging and poaching. Most countries that are surrounded by conflict/war prone countries experience the same situation. Each Government therefore, must be given ample space to determine its migration policies and priorities consistent with its geo-political location and international standards. There is no one size fits all in this regard.

Mr. President, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Let me conclude by underscoring that the interconnectedness between migration and development is crucial in realizing optimal potential of globalization. Migrants’ contribution to development heavily depends on the creation of enabling environment for migrants to invest for their own development and for their countries. We must strive to build and promote sustainable migration, one which will compliment the post-2015 development

goals.  Despite our support to the outcome of this Dialogue, my delegation feels strongly that the declaration to be adopted lacks focus and clear linkage between migration and development in the context of post-2015 development framework.  It is imperative therefore that we continue with consultation on this subject to ensure that we have clear picture of the role of migration in the future development agenda.  

I thank you for your attention